Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sin is Sin

You have probably heard it said in reference to God's judgment on the nations in the Old Testament, or have said it before yourself, "Why should I follow God?  Have you not read the Old Testament?  He is punk!"  I do not take joy in saying this, but I have said that before.  I have actually said that more than once.  While reading through some portions of the Old Testament, I have become angry with God.  And after some insights from the Holy Spirit, Bible reading, and contemplation, I know why in the past I came to that conclusion: my view of sin was different from God's.

When I came to the conclusion that God was unjust because of the way He dealt with sinful nations like Philistia, Assyria, Babylon, and Israel, I had forgotten that the severity of God's judgement on them was brought about by the severity of the sin of those nations.  He did not judge them because he was having a bad day or because he thought it sounded fun, he was judging them because they had sinned against Him.

See, the universal truth about sin is that all of them, from what we might consider the very smallest to the very biggest, separates us from the Holy presence of God.  For the breaking of one of God's laws we deserve death.  Yet, when we read accounts of God's judgement on sinful people or sinful nations, we are so quick to say, "God, it is just a sin."  You know what I can hear Him say?  I can hear Him say, "Your right, it is a sin."

If you have used the excuse that you cannot follow God because of his judgement on sinful nations, know these two things.  First, know that God is just.  And second, realize that sin is sin...every time.  When you realize that sins is sin separating you from God and that God has to judge it, you can then call on His Son Jesus Christ to save you from them.  And for those of you who have called on the name of God's Son to save you already, know these two things.  First, God is just.  And second, realize that sin is sin...every time.

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