Sunday, December 12, 2010

I was once told...

I was once told a story of a woman in Turkey.  Like all people born in Turkey, this lady was a Muslim.  As a Muslim, she believed in a god, though she believed in the wrong one.  She also knew she had sinned against a god, but she really did not know the God she had sinned against.  Well, one morning this Turkish lady asked herself, "Is there any way to be forgiven?"  Later that day, some missionaries went to this ladies town and told her about Jesus.  After being told of Jesus, she no longer wondered if she could be forgiven for her sins for she met the Forgiver.

This is a true story told during a missions chapel at Clear Creek Baptist Bible College.  Though it is short, it is moving.  It is moving because it tells the story of a lady who was once lost in the darkness of a false, merciless, capricious god found forgiveness and mercy in the one, true God.

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