Monday, November 22, 2010

Justifide - I Don't Care (Pointing Fingers) w/ lyrics

The following song is the only song by this band that I have ever heard, but it is very important to me none the less.  It is so important to me because it is the song I was listening to when I was called into the ministry.  It was at that moment in my life that God spoke to me louder than I had ever heard Him speak.  Please enjoy "I Don't Care (No Pointing Fingers)" by Justified (now Reform the Resistance).

P.S. Please answer the following question in the "Comment" section: Could you personally worship God while listening to this song?


  1. First off, I definitely never heard of these guys, but they make me think of POD and Pillar and someone else I can't quite think of.

    Secondly, I hope you weren't hoping for a yes or no answer. I don't think we can or should limit our ability to worship according to something we are listening (or even watching.) By listening we are subjecting ourselves (albeit, not necessarily negatively) to the ideas of what the artist(s) sees as important, their worldview. In regards to music and art as a whole, there can be many truths found in a worldview that isn't actually as a whole true. These truths from non-biblical worldviews that coincide with biblical worldviews are rightfully recognized. I think for this reason we can appreciate the value that biblical truth is still sometimes seen in the realm of the lost, and that that is clear evidence of the Holy Spirit's work in the world to lead and convict of real truth.

    I know nothing about these guys so I don't know what beliefs or ideas they hold to, although from reading the lyrics these guys are clearly singing about serving God despite the negative views that more "legalistic" Christians have towards them. These guys don't appear to be lost and I am thankful for their message of God's grace in their lives.

    With all that in mind, I would say sure I could worship God while listening to this song, but this song has nothing to do with my worship. I worship because God is worthy, not because myself or any song is more or less worthy to use as worship. The worthiness of certain songs to be used in worship is an extremely tough subject and some songs glorify God more by more clearly and plainly declaring His worthiness to be worshipped, and less about ourselves being worthy of proclaiming His message. One principle I do feel you could be certain about using to choose when determining a song is more or less useful for a corporate gathering is that of its theological value and the instructional value of its lyrics for teaching the Truth of Scripture.

    The point of worship is plain and simple, it is God and God alone otherwise it is improper worship. Worship is more than music it is a mindset, an acknowledgment of God for who He is. Every Christian may worship God in their own unique way, and not necessarily through the arts. The challenge for us all is to have right worship of God privately in our own hearts and minds. As for corporate worship, we should take a look at Philippians 2 and our commands to consider others more important than ourselves and recognize Christ above all, and let us all agree no matter what the style or form of worship we participate in that God be the only focus and that in choosing styles for corporate gatherings that we all be reasonable and recognize these basic truths of worship.

    (I may have read into that question details of our conversation from this weekend. Great post, Ditty. I love having these conversations.)

  2. You also might find this article interesting.

  3. Fabulous comment above... great reminders about what worship truly is. Reminds me of a lecture Darlene Zschech (from Hillsong) gave on the subject of worship:
